Gated Community

How Gated Communities Are Practicing Social Distancing with The Help of Visitor Management Systems

Modern-day residences have evolved in their needs for various components to maintain their promise of a tranquil accommodation. Visitor management has become one of the most important of these elements, to ensure not only security but also safety measures in the COVID times.

The coronavirus has impacted all of our daily lives significantly, and gated communities have become extremely aware of implementing all the safety measures they can to control the spread of the virus. Gated communities are a subset of residential communities, and carry a lot of strict entrance protocols and high security. Security is further enhanced by employing a visitor management system for gated communities, which has become a necessity in 2020.

Let’s check out how exactly visitor management systems are helping gated communities in maintaining all the safety measures to practice safe and sound social distancing.


Convenient Monitoring Through Issuing Visitor Passes


A visitor pass software within a gated community can be of big help to elevate the security and ensuring that the community doesn’t get any rogue visitors. Issuing visitor passes to any and all guests can help the security in identifying their purpose easily. Moreover, it will also help them identify any rogue visitors that might not have the authorization to be inside the gated community. 

Visitor passes can also assist people living inside the gated community in differentiating the visitors from the residents, which can urge them to maintain a proper distance from the visitors to ensure they don’t contract the virus.




One of the major advantages of a visitor management system for gated community is that it provides the convenience to the visitors to pre-register their visit. However, during the COVID times, it has become especially important for visitors to pre-register their visit to ensure less crowding in the gated community. Moreover, it also saves them the trouble of going through the information filling process while they enter the gated community again.

Pre-registration for visitors also brings forth another great advantage in the form of surveys with targeted safety questions. These surveys would help identify any abnormalities that can indicate that the visitor might be infected or unsafe for allowing to enter the gated community. Let’s explore this point further:


Asking the Right Questions


This pandemic has certainly changed the “unwelcomed” attribute of the visitors hesitating to share their personal information. It has become imperative to know the whereabouts of a visitor’s past few days to ensure they are safe to enter a gated community. Moreover, it also urges the residents and other visitors to maintain proper social distancing without any faults.

Hence, using a visitor management system, the right questions must be asked to the visitors in the surveys offered to them. Here are a few examples:

  • Have you experienced any common symptoms like fever, breathing problems, cough, weakness, or cold?
  • Have you traveled out of the country in the recent past? Was it in the last 14 days?
  • Were you around anyone recently who has been tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Were you around anyone recently who showed any symptoms like fever, breathing problems, cough, weakness, or cold?

These questions will help the security of gated communities in elevating the level of safety measures and also solidifying in the mind of the visitors that these measures mean business, and they must maintain proper social distancing when inside the gated community.


Visitor Tracking


Now, this is one of the most integral elements of a visitor management system. A visitor tracking software embedded in the system can play a key role in ensuring all the social distancing norms being maintained by the visitors during their visit in a gated community. 

By issuing visitors with a pass, the visitor tracking software can cohesively track the visitors inside the gated community, and if they’re maintaining proper distance or not. Moreover, it can also provide the security with the details about what areas of the gated community any visitor are at any moment. This can also help in ensuring that the visitors are only accessing areas they’re allowed to and not just roaming around, which can result in improper social distancing.

Employing the Visitor Management System for Gated Community is the Future

All of the aforementioned ways have become an integral part of maintaining optimum security measures in a gated community since this pandemic has begun. With over 6 months of following social distancing guidelines and implementing them in daily lives, the basic purpose of a gated community visitor tracking software has become set in stone for a long time to come.


Employing a visitor management system for a gated community comes with many advantages if the right system is chosen. A competent VMS can help in not only maintaining proper social distancing but also in ensuring optimum safety for the gated communities. Hence, choosing a VMS like piLOBI can prove to be very beneficial for gated communities. Contact our experts today, and learn all you need to know about the various benefits offered by the visitor management system.

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